Zanaco FC has released 11 players on mutual separation before the end of their contracts citing their reasons on cost measures.

Management through the Acting General Manager’s office has come with a decision to cut the size of the Squad to a sizeable one, with a few new deals for the club.

Skipper Ziyo Tembo, goalkeepers Mangani Banda, Ernest Mbewe, Baba Basile, Marafa Neyizemana, Evans Katema, Emmanuel Sakala, Kingsley Haakwiya, Jonathan Daka, and Joel Kadjob all have their contracts terminated.

Boyd Musonda was also one of the players on the chopping board but was spared and put on hold.

One of the affected players spoke to on condition of anonymity told News Live that they had their contracts unfairly and prematurely cut short by Zanaco FC management on account that management wants to save on costs by cutting on the size of the Squad, technical bench, and staff at its Secretariat.

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