FOOTBALL Association of Zambia (FAZ) president Andrew Kamanga says the association intends to set up a first ever football coaching training school in collaboration with the University of Zambia (UNZA).

Speaking when he officiated at the FIFA Young Coaches training workshop at Fatmols Lodge in Ndola, Kamanga said coaching levels in Zambia are in a disastrous state hence the need to set up a school that will have a curriculum tailored to assist Zambian coaches gain the skills and expertise needed in the game of football.

He says the association plans to treat coaching as a professional career unlike previous where coaches were trained in FAZ A, B and C qual9fications.

Kamanga says even goalkeeper coaches will be expected to undergo similar trainings.
Kamanga said his executive is determined to improve coaching standards in Zambia.

He added that capacity building training would be carried out in three phases split into short, medium and long term intentions.

“As you are aware we signed some agreement with the Croatian Football Federation and through the technical director’s office will be receiving technical expert who will go round among the Super Division teams and National League side,” he said.

He said the association will also identify few other coaches who will be sent for further training so that the country should have a bank of high qualified coaches.

Meanwhile, Kamanga has disclosed that the country will be sending the Under 16 team to Europe to the European Eight Tournament.

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