Buildcon football breaks the Zambian Super League history yet again by becoming the first football club to use GPS Player Tracking vests, and not only the use but also for implementing the use at 100%.

The GPS Player Trackers details an average of over a million data points per match, this enables the club to capture and visualise every movement on the pitch.

They also give unrivalled insight into performance with heat, zone and sprint maps. The team is able to see where players spent the most time on the pitch and action zones, in addition to the number and directions of the sprints and other information. This will help Buildcon FC compare performance metrics to those of other professional players, allowing the club to see the players rank against the very best in world.

This is just one of the many innovations the club has set out to improve its performance in 2020.

Are you ready to watch the first ever ZSL game with Player GPS Trackers used?
Buildcon FC vs KYSA tomorrow, 15:00 hours at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium is the place to be. Be part of Zambian football history in the making.


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