‘Sate Sate’ the LANDLORD


Ronald Kampamba is his name, also known as “SATE SATE” as well as “Landlord” much loved by the fans of Nkana FC and adored by fans of opponent teams too, such is the love that he gets just to describe him fans say “SATE SATE is Zambian football.”

SATE SATE like all other seasons past has began this one with outstanding performances as it has been evident in the number of times he has been voted man of the match both by the fans and the officials. They say an outstanding performance is not only determined by goals but total influence on the game and its safe to say that he has lived up to the standard creating play for others, holding the ball just for the right amount of time, assisting goals as well as scoring like he did against new monze swallows where he assisted the goals of Walter Bwalya and Idriss Mbombo as well as scoring himself.

Ronald is one of the few local players known for their consistency and the fact that he is hardly ever used for the national team is injustice and its also the same injustice that partly fuels the love and appreciation Zambian football fans have for him. Landlord’s performances this season have earned him back to back man of the match awards making him the only player with that record in the current season and it is such performances that have led fans as well as pretenders into saying “SATE SATE is Zambian football.”

Will he put up another man of the match performance this week against kabwe warriors? will he inspire another Nkana win? let’s wait and see.

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